Gewinner des 49. Kurzgeschichtenwettbewerbs ist Ravenna Stammdaten der Kurzgeschichte Einherjer Heissen alle die Helden, welche auf Erden tapfer gekämpft haben und in der Schlacht des ehrenvollen Todes sterben, den ihnen die Walküren bereiten, die auf dem Schlachtfelde umherreiten und die Mutigsten mit einem Kusse einladen, zu Odins Mahl in Walhalla zu kommen. *~01.07.2015~* Too many times the moon had traveled across the sky, but since the harsh battles no one has discovered her. They had gone out seeking for glory and honor, determined to conquer the land. Filled with strength she had taken the vows to follow her father into war, as a shieldmaiden. A young girl or woman who had chosen to fight instead of marry and rise some children. Just a few days after the first raid, their foe hat found their small bearing, outnumbered her fathers force by thousands. The warriors prayed to the gods they would survive the battle safely, if not they would die proudly enter the shores of Valhalla feasting at the gods side. Einar had forced her to leave camp – so his bloodline may survive the times, he had saddled his own swift and sturdy stallion called þótt. „Turn south, follow the stream course so may the foe can´t track you! Be brave my little one, may the gods guard you safely home!” His voice was deep and rich and somehow took the fidgets out of her. She now felt glad and quiet and it didn´t seem awkward to stay silent, even when her heart was longing to stand by her fathers side. The shallow noise of the stallions hooves was the only sound cutting trough the naturally sounds of the dark forest as she wandered aimlessly forward. After hours of riding the stallion stopped maybe he was feeling her heart ache or was just longing for his caretaker. The young girl turned her head all down the path she had come so far, she clutched her axt more firmly. Somehow to speak after so long silence and to make her decision clear she spoke aloud “ They may call it foolishness, but I see strength in it. I am cursed to leave battlefield, they may call it inhumane to go back. I am blessed to be and I will take as many lives of my enemies!” She turned the stallion forced him to a harsh run, ignoring small branches cutting into face and arms. As she entered battle she heared loud shouts from every direction – a drumming of hoofs and the screaming of men dying and fighting – confusion all around her. It was all shouts and shrieks and the clashing of swords against swords. There was her father and his brother fighting desperately against the crowd of foes. Her father was at the center battling a blonde man taller than him by more than a head – both of them going at battle so hard she could hardly make out what was happening. As her father laid eyes on her he stood still for one heartbeat looking at her with his unchallenging eyes. And it seemed to her as if there was nothing more to be said. She rushed herself into battle. All around her she could see dead body’s covered in blood, their mouths open as if they where still fighting. At times she saw around her more of the enemy than her fathers men, gaps where opening, swallowing, closing again behind men who hat cut their way through the foe. Night has come and gone. Everywhere around her men and women torn and broken and their dead eyes staring strangely into the sky. Now blood was trickling down her face, where the axe had merely touched her head. Þótt had died when a spear cut deep straight to his flank, not fast enough she had tried to jump out of the way – the stallion has touched the swamp ground. She was buried under the horses weight, her left leg felt as if it was a bit more than broken. She would not only die ´cause of her wounds, but of the lack of water and food – the shieldmaiden could not even move a bone without pain. Her voice was all damaged and hoarse as she had cried for help many times. Life was trickling out of her body making it limb and sore, she knew life would be at her end. The moon was so bright that the whole forest landscape around her was almost as clear as day, though it looked much wilder. She could sense the magic vibes within their roots and treetops, there was a strange murmur. Yet it was not exactly the noise trees make in a high wind. She felt there was a tune in it, but she was not able to catch it. At least there was a sound, a sound and she felt her own body wanting to move...move around in a swift dance – forgotten all her pain and the hunger. Out of the shifting mists came a strangely helmet woman, just as herself, white skinned under that helmet. Her horse was trembling into the circle of grass, dead body´s and blood, met her eyes with dark trees around her. And then she realized what this women was – the huge body of her white horse, shining bright in the moonlight, with his huge black shadow underneath him. From his mane dew fall onto the ground and hail in the high woods. The woman´s byrnie was drenched in blood and rays shone from her long spear. Slowly as if floating she came nearer touching slightly the warriors lips, as the Valkyrie war- songs chanted the Maiden entered Val-hall. Herzlichen Glückwunsch ^_^